I recently attended a baby shower and found myself fascinated by some of the gifts - new baby products that did not exist when my almost thirteen year old twins were babies. I thought of my own mother, who passed...

My One Word – “Pursue”

{{Our team was inspired by one of our fellow contributor’s posts, “No More New Year’s Resolutions – Just Choose One Word”, so we decided to share our selected words and the reasoning behind them in a series called “My...
It’s been less than 10 years since iPhone changed our country, our culture, our world. Gone are the days of pay phones and Facebook via the desktop. As a member of the generation with my childhood riding in cars without movie entertainment and my...
"Can you believe that KIDS have their own cell phones now-a-days?! I was {insert college-age here} when I received MY first cell phone!" (totally telling my age by that statement!) I'm guilty. I admit it. All three of my kids {ages...
Rainbow fentanyl, a new version of the potent opioid, has made its way to over 18 states in the U.S. Similar to candy, it’s brightly colored. Drug cartels primarily manufacture this form of fentanyl for children, teens, and young...
There are a variety of external forces that affect the body, and which may cause trauma. The most common factors that can cause traumatic injury include falls, violence, road traffic accidents, and sports injuries. If your teenage child is...
For those of you that are members of Costco, you already know the greatness that it is filled with! However, if you're like me and have minimal to no experience with Costco, hearing people rave about the superstore might...

My Tweens First Bra

As a mom of girls, the one thing I could expect would be the ritual fitting when the time comes for a proper bra for my tweens. However, for the younger set while a plethora of sport bra options...
As your children begin the new school year here in the Sunshine State, there are more options than ever for how and where they learn. From online school at home to lucrative career training certifications starting as early as...
It isn’t a topic we ever want to think about, let alone talk about with our kids, but sexually transmitted diseases are a reality and understanding them is important to everyone’s health. The education first starts with us as...
I was a “well rounded” student in high school (my euphemism for “average”). The only time I thought about the SAT exam was the morning my mom woke me up, made me a hearty breakfast and sent me off...
As moms we always want the best for our children. Never in a million years would we imagine our children could ever do anything that will put them on the wrong side of the law, but let’s be realistic...
Summer is going by too fast, amiright? I saw a whole rack of backpacks the other day at TJMaxx. BACKPACKS! So I'm here to say hold on, partner, and wrangle summer back from those rapidly creeping Back to School...

Sleep Away Camp

Summer 2016 is quickly winding to a close. At the end of July, we picked up our twelve year old twin daughters at sleep away camp. They spent four weeks in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina having the time...
Kids generally grow up without having to fend much for themselves. They get their necessities from their parents on a silver platter and their physical and emotional needs are hopefully taken care of by their parents. The most they...

Gyms in Orlando with Childcare

The year 2025 is here!! Are you ready to begin (or continue) your wellness era?  Going to the gym is a good way to de-stress...
"ak" via unsplash - photo of NASA globe in front of Kennedy space center in Florida with 'Kennedy space center holidays in space' in text over top of the photo

Holidays in Space

