Dear Kids, Mama thinks it's time that I tell you how I met Daddy. Brace yourselves because our story isn't the traditional "boy meets girl, they fall in love, have a huge wedding and then get married". Nope, I think...
A few days ago I received a gift. My five-year-old son, Caleb, fell asleep in the car. Woo Hoo! Because silence is golden. But wait. There's more. When we arrived home I lifted his lankiness from the car seat expecting him...

Routinely Unrealistic

Truth: I don't always like being a Mom. I'm thankful, blessed and so fortunate to be a mother. I adore my children and couldn't imagine my life without them. I'm so fortunate to be a mother, but still, I don't...
Like everyone I know, I’m busy. CRAZY busy. If I spy a few free minutes on my calendar, I feel compelled to squeeze in one more thing. I carry around a tote bag filled with things to do, just...
Curled up against my body in a soft white blanket, my baby girl is finally sleeping peacefully. It took rocking and singing and nursing and the pacifier that I thought we had successfully gotten rid of a month ago,...

The Struggle is Real

What do people want most in relationships?  Realness.  Is that even a word?  Well, it is today. With all of the social media outlets in today’s world, it is no wonder people, women in general, have a complex about being...
As a self-proclaimed introvert, I am still very much dependent on my gal pals. They keep me sane. I mean, what would I do if I didn't have my girls a text or phone call away to vent to...
As the last few weeks of school come to an end, I am beginning to think about our summer plans. While I love not having a schedule or lunches to pack, I also loathe summer break! The minute one...
Here’s an end-of-the-year shout out to all the Room Moms who still have the fortitude in May to send out group emails trying to organize the rest of us. I was a Room Mom once when my daughters were in...
How I wish I was able to attend a breastfeeding course before I gave birth to my first baby. But, it didn’t work out that way. She was a preemie. Born five weeks early and weighing a whopping 4...
Mom, mommy, madre – there are many terms for these extraordinary women and Mother’s Day is a special time to celebrate them. Winn-Dixie is helping families celebrate Moms by making it convenient to get all Mother’s Day essentials in one stop without...

Tres Leches

My son volunteered to make Tres Leches for his 8th grade Spanish class. Don't you love it when they volunteer?! I decided that it was only proper that he do the MAJORITY of the cooking, and I must say... he's...

Beauty And The Scar.

I have a love hate relationship with summer....mostly because it involves mosquitoes and something I dread most - second to the Ebola virus - it's bathing suit shopping. It's pure torture and honestly, quite depressing. Sometimes I think I should just give up and wear a garbage bag...
It was the beginning of summer, 2014. I just had my third daughter, and I decided to do the unthinkable. I decided to keep all three of my girls home for the summer. No preschool, no daycare. I decided to...
It's not unusual for my daughters to talk about my parents, commenting on their likes, their dislikes, and describing what they would say about a particular topic.  It's very important to me that my parents are part of their "village." The...

Date Night Guide to Orlando

Need some date night inspiration? Look no further! Here are the best ideas for a date night in Orlando, aka The City Beautiful!

