30 Non Candy Treats

Halloween. Just mentioning the word and two things come to mind.

Costumes & Candy.

Unfortunately, my daughter has a peanut allergy, which makes our trick-or-treat season a tricky one. Peanuts is either in a lot of candies or the candy itself is manufactured in a peanut/nut facility, making it hard for my daughters to enjoy Halloween. I know that my girls love candy, but they also love non-candy treats.

teal pumpkin project
teal pumpkin project

I recently discovered The Teal Pumpkin Project, which is a way to encourage people to offer nonfood treats like stickers, glow sticks, and Halloween rings and stamps. Displaying a teal pumpkin on your front porch lets parents and kids know you’ve got allergy-free treats for them.

Here are some of our favorites non-candy treats, that won’t break the bank! A lot of these items can be found at the Dollar Store, Dollar section at Target, Oriental Trading, or my favorite, Amazon!

Non Candy Treats

Halloween Treats

Fun Non Candy Trick or Treats

To help families with food allergies know that you are giving out Non-Candy Treats join The Teal Pumpkin Project, by simply painting a small pumpkin Teal and placing it at your front door.


Do you have any other ideas that I missed? Share them with us below!



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