Have you started holiday shopping yet? Want to find something unique and different for that someone special this year? Try New Smyrna Beach for some unique shopping. New Smyrna Beach is a cozy coastal community that is an eclectic mix...
Motherhood is demanding! It is so easy to lose yourself in that day's tasks and put yourself last. But you are worth the time, effort and money to invest in a skin care routine that works for you and...
Fall is my favorite time of year!! It is magical. The steamy heat finally dissipates (well, a bit) and cool winds take over (even if only in evenings). While I await the day that I can enjoy my de-cafe...
The REAL Mom Summer campaign was created to redefine sexy and what “hot” moms are. We've all seen it..the "hot" mom summer memes. So we decided to take it up a notch! In partnership with Three Boudoir, Orlando Mom Collective...
Are lurking toxins making your family sick? Some of the hidden health dangers are all around us and we are exposed daily without even knowing. A mom shares her journey on toxins and health.... “For a long time, my daughter...
We can’t count the times parents have told us how much their children love pediped® shoes and even refuse to wear other footwear. We know kids can feel the difference that healthy footwear makes. From day one, our mantra—comfort,...
In a nutshell, shapewear is defined as “women's tight-fitting underwear intended to control and shape the figure”. However, shapewear for women goes way beyond just underwear. In recent decades, it has developed tenfold and is now a huge buzzword...
In recent years, there has been a surge in female founders at the helm of popular beauty brands. This radical shift has helped to revolutionize several aspects of the beauty industry. The industry has shifted from propagating impossible standards...

My Tweens First Bra

As a mom of girls, the one thing I could expect would be the ritual fitting when the time comes for a proper bra for my tweens. However, for the younger set while a plethora of sport bra options...
It's almost hard to believe that it's already been three years since the beginning of the 2020s. And the world of fashion and beauty continues to evolve and become more creative with each passing year. It seems like yesterday...

How to Dress up a T-Shirt

Every person loves to look their best whenever stepping out of the house. Bodycon dresses and gowns might look divine, but nothing can beat the comfort of a T-shirt. It's the comfiest and most relaxed clothing we can ever...
As we age, we change. It's true what they say — we grow through what we go through. But as our priorities and perspectives shift, so do many of the ways that we identify ourselves, like our sense of...
Finding THE ONE is a special moment you’ll never forget – and no, we’re not talking about partners! A great swimsuit that hugs your every curve and inspires confidence every time you put it on is a truly unique...
A superb sense of fashion can improve a person's quality of life. Learning how to dress elegantly and stylishly can also boost self-esteem and confidence. As a result, many individuals are striving to master a few approaches to improve...
When your go-to style does not give you confidence anymore, it may be time for a makeover. You don’t have to break the bank for a beauty makeover. There are some simple, practical techniques and products that can help...

Date Night Guide to Orlando

Need some date night inspiration? Look no further! Here are the best ideas for a date night in Orlando, aka The City Beautiful!

