A few of my closest friends are currently pregnant with their first child (YAY!) and one recently asked me what I love most about being a mom. This is my answer…
Take a moment to travel back in time, to the night before you were about to experience a “first” – like your first trip to your favorite theme park, your first pool party or your first date – remember the adrenaline rush, the perma-grin you couldn’t shake because you were just TOO EXCITED to eat, sleep or bathe?! Remember that exhilarating feeling of anticipation?
Now, imagine living in a constant state of anticipation for the rest of your life. That is what I love most about being a mom – everyday, you are guaranteed to experience something new, something that will get your heart racing and something that will remind you that there is NOTHING quite like watching the human you created grow and learn.
To me, anticipation is one of motherhood’s most priceless gifts.
Now, I won’t lie, sometimes that feeling can also come with a touch of anxiety, like when you’re watching your child take her wobbly first steps or handing her the keys to her first car, but it’s most often accompanied with smiles, laughs and overwhelming happiness.
The moments I have looked forward to the most weren’t the milestones that fill my daughter’s baby book. The first time we danced and the first time she slipped me an unsolicited kiss on the cheek; these are the moments forever etched in my memory.
As she becomes more active, I find myself giddy with excitement just thinking about what’s to come, like sports, vacations and even college. And, while I know many of those moments are years away, I’m relishing the countless opportunities to dream about what our future holds and, pretty soon, how we’ll be anticipating tomorrow together!
So, to all of the first time expectant moms out there; you’ve already stepped onto the most wild ride of your life – enjoy the journey and every priceless moment!
Perfectly said.