

Why We Judge

Moms Judging Moms. The Mommy Wars. Mom Shaming. It’s the subject of countless books and blogs. I know that I’ve both judged and been judged....

Their Space

  I’m conflicted about the state of my daughters’ bedrooms. They are thirteen and their rooms are a perpetual state of mess. One occasionally gets...

Obsessed with Milestones

​ Do you obsess about milestones and when your child should be doing something? As a mom of two teens, I’d like to offer this advice to...

iPhone Addiction

I heard something on the radio that surprised me - the first iPhone was introduced in June 2007. Doesn’t it seem that iPhones have...

Scaling Back Kids’ Activities

Growing up I had a close friend who swam competitively. She and her four brothers all swam on the same team. At the time,...

Grief and the Holidays

My grandmother died right before Thanksgiving when I was 23. My mother, the family’s quintessential hostess, seemed paralyzed at the thought of cooking for...

Lessons Learned – The First Year Of Cell Phones

I caved to the pressure last Christmas and convinced my husband that it was time to get our twelve year old daughters smartphones. They were...

The School Facebook Page and the Moms Who Post There

This year our daughters transferred from a small K-8 school to a large public middle school. To put the change in perspective, their current...

Dear Mom – How Parenting Has Changed Since I Was A Kid

I recently attended a baby shower and found myself fascinated by some of the gifts - new baby products that did not exist when my...

Living in the Moment

A friend posted this quote last night on Facebook: The biggest mistake I made is the one that most of us make. … I...

Making Mom Friends

I lived the first 34 years of my life in New Orleans, where my parents and their parents and their parents (and so on)...

Parenting Without Power Struggles – Book Review

  Parenting Without Power Struggles, by Susan Stiffelman, is the best parenting book I’ve read. That’s high praise considering that I’ve read twenty-six parenting books over the...

Confessions of a List Maker

  I am a compulsive list maker. I come from a long line of list makers on both sides of my family. The list making gene...

Sleep Away Camp

Summer 2016 is quickly winding to a close. At the end of July, we picked up our twelve year old twin daughters at sleep away camp....

Flatbread – It’s What’s for Dinner

This is “the Summer of Flatbreads” in my kitchen. I’ve rediscovered the simplicity and diversity of flatbreads for dinner. Here's my most recent flatbread creation. I...