Toiletries for Toddlers (and their Stockings)
Why didn’t anyone tell me that the toiletries for toddlers should be included as a line item in our family budget!!!?!?!? Yes, we really need more toilet paper already. And while I’m at it,...
I look so fat
I look so fat.
I’ve said it plenty of times, though not as much lately, only because I’ve made a conscious effort to reserve those comments for when only my husband can hear. Lucky him....
Florida Mom-Bag Must-Haves
So I know I’m only 6 years in to this mom gig, but I've come up with three items that EVERY Florida mama should have in her mom bag. These three items are essential before...
Losing Our Dog: Through My Daughter’s Eyes
Please allow me to tell you the story about the loss of our dog, Titan... through the eyes of my daughter.
~ OMB Contributor, Felicia
It was an early summer morning when I woke up to...
The Pretend Struggle is Very Real
The pretend struggle is very real in our house. “Mommy, is Ronald McDonald real?” asks my 5 year old as we pass a McDonald's. “And what about the other one that steals hamburgers? Is...
Changing Pre-Schools: Not for the Weak of Heart
Oops, I did it again
The “wise” Britney Spears can sum this post up the best – “oops, I did it again.” One of my past blog posts, “Cher Said It First,” detailed how I...
The Perks of Preschool Pick-Up
On some days, there aren’t any perks to preschool pick-up…am I right? I’m always happy to see my kids after a long day, and I’m anxious to hear about their days, but they don’t...
Sing it, Mamas!
On a recent family day out to a local theme park that specializes in animals, my husband and I were pleasantly surprised to find that while the kids loved seeing all the animals in...
Words Matter
Especially to children. Words matter, especially to children. That quote keeps ringing through my head after hearing it during a recent interview between two very high profile women. Sticking my foot in my mouth...
The Giving Glider
Resting on top of the glider in our room is a pile of my clothes that I need to put away, hand-me-downs from our nieces that need to be parceled out between my kids,...
My Year as a First-Time Dance Mom
It was epic.
Not the teacher. Not the weekly class. Not the recital.
The tantrum.
The tantrum before her second to last dance classes was epic. Her yelling in a room with walls as thick as a...
Living in Orlando the week of June 10
Amid the chaos of a normal Saturday morning with three young children, I briefly saw a headline on social media about a shooting at a local concert. As I read the details, I was...
Birth Order and Personality: What if She’s the Oldest, Middle AND Younger Sister?
I never know how to describe one of my daughters when asked where she "falls". She is the first born of twin girls and she has an older sister. So is she a middle...
Dinner Delivered: HelloFresh vs. Blue Apron vs. Farm-Haus
You are busy. Your kids are busy. Even your pets are busy. And you are hungry. You are ALL hungry…all the time. Even more than before kids, most of my thoughts revolve around food…what...
House Rules for Musical Mattresses
Wait. Let me clear something up. This is NOT a post about what you’re thinking. Oh, no, no, no, no, this is about real life - our nights with 3 children, ages 3 and under...