
Relieve Foot Pain

7 Simple Ways to Relieve Foot Pain

Foot pain is no laughing matter, especially when you’re a person like me who spends the majority of the day on her feet. Whether it’s standing for long periods at work, participating in a...

Never Too Late to Save

Too Late to Save? Think Again. In the face of life’s costly surprises, like an unexpected medical bill or a major home repair, having some money set aside can make all the difference.  Experts agree that...

Here’s A Quick Way To Solve The Opioid Problem In Florida

  Florida is a major contributor to a huge number of opioid-involved deaths since the start of the millennium. The reports show a substantial increase in the number of deaths caused by the use of...
How You Can Improve Your Winter Sleep

6 Very Unhealthy Side Effects Of Poor Sleep

If you’re sleeping poorly, you may be at risk for serious physical and mental health problems. Unfortunately, you’re not alone, because many people will fight through poor sleep due to a number of reasons,...
How to Successfully Sleep Train Your Baby

How to Successfully Sleep Train Your Baby

Source: Unsplash While our mothers sang lullabies to make us fall asleep, today, modern moms read books and tutorials on how to efficiently put their child to sleep with the help of contemporary gadgets. Sleep...

Top 6 Best Dog Breeds for Your Child

A puppy is necessary for every home that has kids. Kids want to have a best friend, protector, and someone they can play with the entire day. However, not all dogs are family-friendly. Which...

How to Pick a Comfortable Mattress and Pillow

After a hard day’s work and the hustles and bustles of life, everyone deserves to come home to a great home, to enjoy a good night’s sleep. There are several things that come to...

7 Ways My Menstrual Cup Rocks

I recently explained why on earth a perfectly sane woman like me would ever bother trying a menstrual cup. There I was just enjoying a normal tampon life, when motherhood forced me try something...

Raising the Difficult Child

Moms, do have a difficult child? Not “bad” or “mean” necessarily, but just difficult? I do. He’s adorable and smart, so smart, and funny. But he’s my hardest child to parent. And it makes...

Someone You Love Has Been Diagnosed ADD – 3 Things You Need To Know

How many times have you heard someone say "I am so ADD" or so-and-so is "so ADD"? Perhaps you know a mom who has struggled with a young child who is suspected of having...

The Paycheck to Paycheck Struggle

It's day 12 of 14. There is currently $29.66 in the account. Two more days until pay day. Two more days of trying to make it stretch. Is there gas in my car? Is...

It’s Time To “Sit At The Table”

"Sit at the table".  Four words that resonated with me when I heard them some years ago. This is certainly not a new concept, but only now am I pushing myself to live by...
I survived my first day as an autism spectrum parent

I survived my first day as an autism spectrum parent

Today started as any other Monday. I made the dark roast coffee. I packed the lunches full of tiny human favorites. I passed out pairs of brightly colored socks. That’s about where the similarities...

All the Questions You’ve Wanted to Ask About Bedsharing

  I open my eyes, careful not to move the rest of my body an inch. Curled on my side, my bottom arm bent elbow up towards the headboard, I create a little nest for...

I Bought Two Menstrual Cups and Took One for the Team

I’ve been a tampon girl forever. Pads are for postpartum use only, as far as I’m concerned. So when my daughter started her period, I floundered a little on what to do. Starting with...