Nancy Alvarez

Nancy Alvarez
Nancy began her career as a reporter covering the space program in Brevard County providing live coverage of countless launches and landings.  She was also on the front line for the infamous 2004 Hurricane Season when three hurricanes hit Florida in less than two months. More recently, Nancy was one of the first reporters on the ground in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria devastated the island in 2017.  Over the course of multiple trips, she provided coverage of the impacts of the storm both on the island and in Florida as storm evacuees moved to the mainland.  She was also there for the political unrest that led to the resignation of the island’s governor in 2019. Nancy also works as a public speaker and has used her reporting experience to advocate for issues including domestic violence and the challenges facing special needs kids in schools.  Nancy is a bilingual, first generation Cuban American and lives in Orlando with her husband and two children, Benjamin and Julia.

An Open Letter to the Invincible Woman

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Motherhood is Fleeting: Whatever it Takes, Slow Down

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