Addicted to Tidying – Confessions of a KonMarie Junkie
I have been on a cleaning binge for quite a while. Actually, it’s less a binge and more a lifestyle. I am constantly vacuuming...
Hosting the Weekly Mom Meetup
Hey! New Year, New You? Maybe not. But you can still add some things to your routine that will make you feel productive and...
Schooling Through the Summer
I'm not what you might call a "structured mom". My kids wake up mostly when they want to, they play outside a lot, and...
The Power of Parenting
It occurred to me recently the power of my parenting. These four little people who have thoughts and opinions and emotions are, generally speaking,...
What NOT To Say To A Stay At Home Mom
I have been a mom for over 8 years and a stay at home mom for nearly 6. Since staying home, I have gotten...
Are You Legally Prepared for the What-Ifs?
Nobody likes to think about the what-ifs in life. What if my husband dies? What if I die? What if we both die?! What...
The Minivan Convert
"I'm in love! I'm in love! And I don't care who knows it!"
These are words I never thought I'd say about a minivan. But...
“Mommy, I’m hungry!” Why Your Kids Are Hungry But Will Never Eat!
"Mommy, I'm hungry!!!"
Mealtime. The dreaded hour when your kids are hungry but will never eat! If you have a kid, you have probably heard...
A Look into “Baby Wise” After Three Kids
Baby Wise is a book that comes up from time to time and it almost always garners a heated discussion. Both sides of the...
Baby-Proof Your House or House-Proof Your Baby?
When we had our oldest son over seven years ago, I was blissfully unaware of how easily babies can get into things. I like...
Do You BuJo?
I need a calendar. Like, NEED. I need dates and times and lists and I need them all written down so I can find...
Homeschooling: The Pros and The Cons
Are you disappointed in how your child is doing in school? Are you fed up with too much homework or not enough one-on-one time...
What’s in My Handbag? A Mom’s EDC {Every Day Carry}
As a mom of three, I need to carry a lot of stuff. But I also have a hatred of diaper bags. I use...
Are We Good Moms if Our Home is Clean?
Have you seen signs posted in your friend’s home or on social media saying, "Please Excuse The Mess, We Live Here"? Before I was...
The Art of Slow Vacuuming and Minimizing Allergies
After discovering my child developed itchy hives all over his body, who would have thought that slow vacuuming would help with minimizing his allergies!?