Favorite Parks in Orange and Seminole County
Over the past month, I have been exploring and researching meaningful activities to keep my energetic toddler entertained, out of trouble, and away from watching...
{National Potty Training Month} The Biggest Lesson Learned When Potty Training My 15 Month...
To be honest, we were excited to start potty training. No more diapers? Yes, please!
When our toddler was 15 months old we decided to...
:: Orlando Moms Blog Review :: My MacroBaby Experience
In mid-December I was invited to check out a local MacroBaby store prior to the birth of my second baby. I had seen all...
Special Delivery!
Happy New Year! We spent most of 2013 waiting for the arrival of our second baby, who arrived just before 8 a.m. on Dec....
Pregnant Foodie Mom Plans Ahead!
As of this Tuesday, we are exactly 3 weeks from our due date and 3 weeks and 1 day from Christmas! Talk about planning,...
Nine Weeks and Counting…
Our single week countdown officially began this week. Our sweet baby girl is due in nine weeks, an official due date of December 24...
Mom on the Brink!
I came across an article last week titled "On the Brink: Many Working Moms Falling Apart." I froze and said "OMG! That's me!" I...
Have Toddler, Will Travel!
Does the idea of traveling with a very small child give you anxiety? As a new mom (I have a 13 month old toddler)...