Happy Shopping!
Happy Shopping!

Back to School Tax Free Shopping 2014 Dates + Money Saving Tips

Can you believe it? August is here! This means, it’s time to start thinking about school supplies, uniforms, meet the teacher dates, and more. If you want to save money on your back to school shopping, you will want to shop during Tax Free week. Here in Florida, our Tax-Free Shopping dates are August 1-3, 2014.
During this holiday period, Florida law directs that no sales tax or local option tax will be collected on purchases of:

  • clothing, footwear, and certain accessories selling for $100 or less per item
  • certain school supplies selling for $15 or less
  • personal computers and certain computer related accessories on the first $750 of the sales price when purchased for noncommercial home or personal use

You can find out more information about Florida’s Tax Free Shopping on the Florida Department of Revenue website.

I also wanted to share some back to school shopping tips with you as well:

Make a list  Check with your children’s school to find out what is needed.  Also check the dress code before shopping for clothes & shoes. This will save time and money.

Take inventory Before you head out, check your kids backpacks from the last school year.  See what you can reuse and what needs replacing!  Check the closet and drawers to see what clothing needs to be purchased. Now you can update your list!

Make a budget Be sure to establish a budget before you head out.  I know in our home, we have a strict budget for clothing per child. We have a few extra rules too. For example, if they are willing to use last years backpack, I allow my kids to add an extra $20 to their clothing budget.

Use coupons Most stores allow the use of coupons.  Be sure to use your coupons during the tax-free shopping days too.  You will be able to save 3 ways – shopping the SALES, using your COUPONS, and not paying tax.

You can also check out the BEST back to school deals each and every week on Couponers United.



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