Groundhog Day, celebrated on February 2, is a quirky tradition in North America. Rooted in the German custom of Candlemas, it involves a groundhog predicting the weather for the coming weeks. According to the legend, if the groundhog emerges...
For quite a while not, it has been totally normal for moms to receive maternity leave for the birth of their children. This time is there to allow them to bond and care for the newborn in its first...
If you have a growing child, you know how challenging it is to keep them entertained. Some toddlers need something to play with to stimulate their senses and stay in a good mood. That’s why toys are great materials...
The tradition of making a New Year’s resolution is a way to turn over a new leaf, get a fresh start and set goals for the coming year. For many people, their New Year’s resolutions are about getting healthier.  This...
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that affects more than 6 million children and teenagers in the United States alone. While the symptoms of ADHD can start in early childhood, most cases cross the...
Children are the future of the nation’, a sensational saying branding the youth as our greatest investment of all time. A child’s cognitive development is believed to hold a great role in his success as an adult. Cognition refers...
We all know that the holidays can be a chaotic time for everyone. Add in 20 months of a global pandemic, a slew of new rules which have altered how we travel and being a family who has a...
Happy Friday! Another round of our Friday Favorites series for you! We’ve gathered up 5 amazing gifts for tweens/teens to consider this holiday season! These are unique gifts for their teens and tweens that you may not have thought of...
With four kids and everyone back to school, we were ready to try something new when it comes to healthcare. Our pediatricians office is very strict right now (and rightfully so) when it comes to sick visits in the...
School may be back in session, but it’s not necessarily back to normal. With shifting classroom structures and learning interruptions due to the pandemic still very much a possibility, it’s more important than ever that parents and teachers work...
The toddler years are some of the most challenging and most rewarding times when it comes to parenting. Toddlers are constantly learning new things, exploring with and without your permission, and gaining access to new experiences and emotions that...
The COVID-19 pandemic had caused many schools to resort to distance learning and homeschooling. With a computer connected to the Internet, children began to take classes from a space set up at home for study. Governor Desantis has been one...
Independent sleep is one of the pieces to the healthy sleep puzzle. Without it you will see sleep struggles. But what is an independent sleeper? AND How do we achieve independent sleep? Independent Sleep: Sleep is a skill that needs to...
The College Round Up Some tips + our essentials for your college freshman as they head off to school! The day has come, your baby is off to college! While these are exciting times, we know that they can also be...
This school year is full of uncertainty and stressors with the ongoing COVID pandemic, continued at-home learning and the unknowns of the Delta variant. That said, the last thing any parent wants to be dealing with during school time...

Gyms in Orlando with Childcare

The year 2025 is here!! Are you ready to begin (or continue) your wellness era?  Going to the gym is a good way to de-stress...
"ak" via unsplash - photo of NASA globe in front of Kennedy space center in Florida with 'Kennedy space center holidays in space' in text over top of the photo

Holidays in Space

