Middle school. The awkward years. The growing up years. The drama years. Do you remember EVERY detail from middle school? I do. Back in my day, it was called Jr. High. I remember my locker location. I remember the popular...
I'm not what you might call a "structured mom". My kids wake up mostly when they want to, they play outside a lot, and their chores are inconsistent. But one thing they do all year long is school. And...
Sleep and heat do not mix! Keeping cool on summer nights can be tough when it is hot out. And oh my it is H-O-T out! I can remember being a child and struggling hard to fall asleep in...
When I gave birth to my first daughter 4 years ago, I was overwhelmed to say the least. Between breastfeeding, sleepless nights, taking care of a newborn, and dealing with my own postpartum issues, my plate was full. But...
When I gave birth to my daughter at Waterman Hospital nearly two years ago, there was only one exceptionally spacious delivery room that every mama-to-be in my birth class was ready to fight for! It had a large couch...
The countdown is ON until the last day of school (this is not a drill Moms!), now is the time to make your last day of school checklists because if you're like me, your mom brain is on overdrive...
Have you heard of a Homeschool Flex Program?! Let's talk about how to get YOUR "flex" on as a homeschooler at Walden Community School! As a homeschooling mom of three, who has tried public, private, and specialized schools, I feel...
Potty training can be quite the journey. The day after my daughter turned two I plopped her on her little princess potty. My goal was to get her potty trained right away! After a week of her fighting potty...
I love assembling Easter baskets. It's been a family tradition since the girls were babies. Holiday traditions naturally evolve as the years pass. My girls are teens now, and this is the third Easter that we’ve had non-bunny-believers, a fact that...
The minute we announce pregnancy, we receive advice. While it is well-meaning, some of these pieces of advice can confusing and some just might not work. I'm just gonna say it: there are sleep truths and there are sleep beliefs....
  If you're anything like me, you probably cringe at the thought of your toddler ingesting unnecessary sugar this Valentine's Day. The excitement alone surrounding a special day at school is enough to have them bouncing off the walls all...
If you’re anything like me, you probably cringe at the thought of your toddler ingesting unnecessary sugar this Valentine’s Day. Last year I shared candy-free toddler valentines. They were a huge success, so I'm back to share another round of Candy-Free Toddler Valentines! Non-food...
For the past two years, I have shared our candy-free valentines for our toddler(s) - check them out here and here. As you have guessed, I'm back with even more candy-free valentines this year, as well as some other...
Our family has never been big birthday party people. And by our family, I mean my husband and I do not have the energy to have 20 screaming kids running around our house or the financial means for a...
Now that my son is over a year old, I'm getting the question that every mom eventually hears: when am I going to have another? Frankly, I don't know. I love being a mom. It's what I've always wanted to do when...

Gyms in Orlando with Childcare

The year 2025 is here!! Are you ready to begin (or continue) your wellness era?  Going to the gym is a good way to de-stress...
"ak" via unsplash - photo of NASA globe in front of Kennedy space center in Florida with 'Kennedy space center holidays in space' in text over top of the photo

Holidays in Space

