Growing up I had a close friend who swam competitively. She and her four brothers all swam on the same team. At the time,...
What is Angelman Syndrome?
Angelman syndrome (AS) is a rare neuro-genetic disorder that occurs in one in 15,000 live births. Angelman syndrome is often misdiagnosed...
Some of my favorite memories growing up took place splashing in pools and jumping ocean waves. We would swim and swim until our fingers...
So you're done? That's it right?
When we found out we were having a boy, family as well as complete strangers basically put a "Closed"...
Especially to children. Words matter, especially to children. That quote keeps ringing through my head after hearing it during a recent interview between two...
We all have that friend who is totally anti-nursing and the friend who is a die hard breastfeeding advocate.
I happen to be a huge...
Do you know a 3-8 year old who has Autism? Would you like to learn about something new in Autism Research?
The Blüm Study is...
To say that no woman is ever prepared to be a mother is an understatement. Whether motherhood finds you at 18, like it did...
I'm a Type A. There's no denying it. I love to plan out my color-coded calendar months in advance and our vacations down to the smallest...
Two years ago this month, we received a call that changed our lives.
After months of failed milestones and a barrage of testing, our fears...
I'm pregnant with my fourth child, and while I'm still young, {I will be 34.5 years old at delivery to be exact}, I am...
I have this amazing friend who just gets it. She invites us to sensory-safe places, schedules mom dates when our husbands are free to watch...
When raising humans, inevitably the body hair will come. Although I wanted my daughter to wait as long as possible to start shaving her...
Resting on top of the glider in our room is a pile of my clothes that I need to put away, hand-me-downs from our...
'Tis the season...for accidents. If your holidays are anything like mine, you'll agree that this time of year is an accident waiting to happen! Ladders are...