“Don’t call me sir. That’s my father. You can call me Gary*.” The sales associate looked at my twelve year old girl with a...
It’s funny, but I hadn’t thought about this consciously since my kids passed through those first three years of life: How does my child...
My sweet Vi is smart, adorable, sassy, and hilarious. "Patient traveler," however, is not one of her many strengths. Choose a genius color scheme...
Let me clarify...I have a toddler.
I could literally end this post now, because if you have a toddler, or have been through this weird...
LICE. (That got your attention, didn't it?!) Today, Nemours CareConnect debunks five common myths about lice and the truth behind them.
Every few months, some...
I never know how to describe one of my daughters when asked where she "falls". She is the first born of twin girls and...
When Merrick began to design her daughter’s nursery she knew she wanted to keep it as light, airy and full of personal touches as...
Is it still nerdy to love the library if you have one as cool as the Orange County Library? I have always loved visiting libraries, and...
On June 11, the Orange County Library system launches another fantastic summer reading program with more than 1,000 events, classes, technology camps and more....
“Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?” At least that’s how the nursery rhyme goes. With the pollen finally fallen and the...
The door. Don't let it hit you on the way out. Some mornings it does, some mornings it doesn't. Here are some ways to...
I recently stumbled upon my first A Day in the Life of a Working Mom post last week. As I read through the post I...
It was no surprise that my boys took a liking to ships. Both my father and grandfather served in the U.S. Navy, so there’s...
Feather mobile from Brent Forsyth, Sunsetdriftwood on Etsy
When you have a baby, I’ve been told, life becomes like a fast-spinning mobile hanging above the...
We sat across from one another sipping our coffee. She was traveling back to her college campus and had asked if we could meet. I jumped...