It’s the Holiday season again. The time where we find the most perfect gifts for each other, bake and cook way too much food and get to see the Christmas spirit in our children’s eyes. Except for some of...
Today started as any other Monday. I made the dark roast coffee. I packed the lunches full of tiny human favorites. I passed out pairs of brightly colored socks. That’s about where the similarities ended because instead of hopping...
I have never been happier to be an Orlando resident than when my sweet two-week-old baby was diagnosed with sagittal craniosynostosis.  It was a normal day for our new family of four, which of course means we were running late...
I love to travel. I’ve been to 22 countries, and relish the adventure of exploring new places. My idea of a personal dream vacation includes large mountains, lots of walking, a good stash of books to read and cozy coffee shops...

Loving someone rare

What is Angelman Syndrome? Angelman syndrome (AS) is a rare neuro-genetic disorder that occurs in one in 15,000 live births. Angelman syndrome is often misdiagnosed as cerebral palsy or autism due to lack of awareness. Characteristics of the disorder include...
  Do you know a 3-8 year old who has Autism? Would you like to learn about something new in Autism Research? The Blüm Study is a Phase 3 clinical research study for autism – it is enrolling across the United States!...
Two years ago this month, we received a call that changed our lives. After months of failed milestones and a barrage of testing, our fears and worry over our baby girl’s health received a name: Angelman Syndrome. Learning your child’s...

Befriending an Autism Parent

I have this amazing friend who just gets it. She invites us to sensory-safe places, schedules mom dates when our husbands are free to watch the kids, and doesn't expect anything from me or my son but friendship. She sends...
  A couple weeks ago, I was that mom. The one filling your news feed with cute kid pictures, celebration (ala the world series), and general happiness...while actually having the worst week EVER. Now that the election is over, I think a lot of us...
Can your baby breathe all through the night? Can he nap without life support? Does her little body do the involuntary things necessary to survive sleep? I pray that it’s so for you. It’s not like that for Ian. This dapper...

My Son Has Autism

I write this not for pity but for acceptance. I kept this quiet because I didn't want pity. I've come to a point where keeping quiet doesn't help, and honestly I'm tired of being quiet. My son has Autism. We knew...
I'd heard of the NICU. I knew some NICU nurses and friends whose child had spent time there. And when my first two kids were born, I remember nurses making vague reference to the 3rd floor, but I never saw it. I'm fairly sure...
Before I had kids, I traveled a lot. My goal was to pack light, walk fast, and take the trip of a lifetime at least every other year, and that’s pretty much what I did. It wasn't even a...
Let me clarify...I have a toddler. I could literally end this post now, because if you have a toddler, or have been through this weird twilight zone then you know what I'm talking about. Our daughter is three, and right in...

Finding Hope in Autism

Feather mobile from Brent Forsyth, Sunsetdriftwood on Etsy When you have a baby, I’ve been told, life becomes like a fast-spinning mobile hanging above the crib. At first, it spins off balance, slows to a wobble and then balances out....

Orlando Mom Guide to Berry Picking

Berry picking is a family favorite around here, and for good reason! We get to spend time outside in the beautiful Orlando weather and...
"ak" via unsplash - photo of NASA globe in front of Kennedy space center in Florida with 'Kennedy space center holidays in space' in text over top of the photo

Holidays in Space

All Things Thanksgiving

