Words Matter

Especially to children. Words matter, especially to children. That quote keeps ringing through my head after hearing it during a recent interview between two very high profile women. Sticking my foot in my mouth is a given for me,...

The Giving Glider

Resting on top of the glider in our room is a pile of my clothes that I need to put away, hand-me-downs from our nieces that need to be parceled out between my kids, and my backup Halloween outfit. ...
'Tis the season...for accidents. If your holidays are anything like mine, you'll agree that this time of year is an accident waiting to happen! Ladders are pulled from storage to hang twinkling lights, tempting breakable ornaments are hung from trees just inches...
Is there some mean fairy that sends out secret messages to all kids on their second birthday? It really seemed like a switch flipped after my daughter turned two. Everything was a battle from what I made for dinner to...
I don't know about you, but my house has officially been bombarded with Halloween candy. Between school parties and trick-or-treating, my 3 year old collected over 150 pieces of candy. If your house is anything like mine you are...

Are you still nursing?

Are you still nursing? I get this question a lot.  Depending on the speaker, the tone, inflection and/or accompanying look can vary widely. The reason I get this question regularly is because my boys, who are both still nursing, are...

Living in the Moment

A friend posted this quote last night on Facebook: The biggest mistake I made is the one that most of us make. … I did not live in the moment enough. This is particularly clear now that the moment...

My Son Has Autism

I write this not for pity but for acceptance. I kept this quiet because I didn't want pity. I've come to a point where keeping quiet doesn't help, and honestly I'm tired of being quiet. My son has Autism. We knew...

Raising Rowdy Boys

There is a quote I have seen countless times on Pinterest that I can totally relate to... Boys, n.: a noise with dirt on it. This is so true! My boys are inevitably dirty and extremely loud. Like always. I know so many...
Share using #OMBRoastYourMallow! We LOVE national holidays over at Orlando Moms Blog! With the OMB End of Summer Beach Bash coming up, we couldn't think of a better national holiday to celebrate this week than the annual August 30th, National Marshmallow Roasting Day! Toasting...
Now that I have a big-girl two year old, I have really started to rethink my approach to her toys and her play. Of course I want her to build her imagination, experience new situations, and learn about the...
Potty training. Just writing those words makes me want to pour a glass of wine. We've survived two potty training endeavors and learned many things from the two very different experiences. One thing I've learned is that what they say about potty...
It was epic. Not the teacher. Not the weekly class. Not the recital. The tantrum. The tantrum before her second to last dance classes was epic. Her yelling in a room with walls as thick as a tissue because she didn’t want...
Thank you so much to all of the families who attended the amazing PBS Kids Steve Songs Concert with us at the Orlando Public Library! We hope you had super fun time singing and dancing along with Steve Songs and...
When your child approaches 6 months old, a whole new world opens up... the land of Mommy & Me classes! My oldest is 3 years old, so I'm pretty much a Mommy & Me class veteran! I’ve been to my...

Orlando Mom Guide to Berry Picking

Berry picking is a family favorite around here, and for good reason! We get to spend time outside in the beautiful Orlando weather and...
"ak" via unsplash - photo of NASA globe in front of Kennedy space center in Florida with 'Kennedy space center holidays in space' in text over top of the photo

Holidays in Space

All Things Thanksgiving

