What are we doing this summer? Nothing.
As a homeschooling family, we are home a lot. We spend most of our school days at home,...
One of the most difficult decisions for a working parent is deciding who is going to watch their child over the summer. You've probably...
Sparklers. Watermelon. BBQ. Pool Parties. Music. We are quickly approaching the midway point of summer and with that comes all of the 4th of...
Today I was taunted by a box of tissues. Not even Kleenex, mind you, but generic Target up & up™ brand tissues. The tissues sit in...
I used to spend the month of May dreading the upcoming summer "holidays". I treated summer as if I was going into battle...entering survival mode,...
How many of you grew up watching Mister Rodgers? He truly was a brilliant man who had so many great words of wisdom, one in...
Summer is upon us, Ladies! Whether you are dreading it, willing it to get here more quickly, or scrambling to line up child care,...
I'm sure you've noticed the news reports over the past couple of years…..”baby (or child) left in hot car and dies”. This headline has...
The Unicorn Frappuccino from Starbucks has been an internet sensation to rival Grumpy Cat and LuLaRoe leggings. Since it's launch every time I click...
Spring break is just around the corner, and before you know it, summer will be knocking at our door. Roadtrips, warm beaches, and ice...
This summer I started a little project. It began one evening when my daughter and husband were playing in the pool. I had just...
Summer 2016 is quickly winding to a close. At the end of July, we picked up our twelve year old twin daughters at sleep away camp....
Thank you so much to all of the families who attended the amazing PBS Kids Steve Songs Concert with us at the Orlando Public...
The countdown is on! Back-to-school is on the horizon.
When prepping for a new school year, it is important for families to take some time to...
Summertime is the perfect time to make memories in the kitchen with the family. The stress and time constraints during the school year can...