In my opinion, there’s no better place to spend spring break with friends and family than on the beach! In fact, I’ll be dipping...
The Spring Break season is upon us! For Seminole County, it begins today, and for the rest of Central Florida it begins next week....
Remember that you're not the only one worn down by those little monsters, Momma. Your better half probably longs for a night out as...
Often, busy moms can’t find the time for shopping -- you know the real kind of shopping where you visit several stores, compare prices,...
I had the privilege of sitting in the Amway Center “Tweet Suite” last night on behalf of Orlando Moms Blog, to get you guys...
Calling all moms, kids, husbands, best friends, walkers, runners and those who are ready to have a fun day with the family, filled with color and memories! Color Me Rad is coming to Orlando on Sunday, March 30 to the Central Florida Fairgrounds!
It’s getting to be that time -- spring break has the the kids out of school for a solid week! What to do? New...
In Florida, one need not travel far from home to feel as though you are far from home. This is especially true when we have world-famous theme parks in competition to build the coolest and most immersive vacation right here in Orlando. I wanted to whisk my homies away for an “experience,” not just another couple of days off. However, I had to work within my stipulations, and had to think outside the touristy box.
Ya know when you’re checking out some random thing on a website and then you don’t really read those little tick-box thingies and wind...
Well, Valentine’s Day is around the corner. I’ve tried hard to be all “This holiday is sooooo commercialized.” about the whole thing, but I...
Food, wine and live entertainment all at one place in downtown Orlando?! Yes please!
You’ll find all of that and more during the sixth annual...
When it seems like EVERYONE else you know is enjoying romantic getaways, chocolate-filled hearts, delivered long-stemmed roses, and sentimental cards—what is Valentine’s Day to...
Here in Central Florida, it's common to pull up to a stoplight and see someone standing there with a sign, asking for help. It’s...
Take a guess. About how many hours of "screen-time" do you think kids average per day? Screen-time including time in front of the television,...
In mid-December I was invited to check out a local MacroBaby store prior to the birth of my second baby. I had seen all...