We live in a world booming with new technology. It seems to be integrated into every facet of our being, at home, at work, at school, it goes on and on. While we are all concerned about the adverse effects of too much screen time for our children, maybe it’s time we shift our thinking from how much screen time to how they use screen time.
What if instead of our kids spending hours playing video games, they spent hours building their own from scratch? We have an opportunity to take back control of how our kids interact with the content and technology that surrounds them. Instead, let’s teach them how to create content. There is so much value in teaching the content creation process of the media we consume daily. We learn to appreciate media and technology in a new way, to admire the hard work and creativity that goes into each piece of content we consume.
If we start ingraining these valuable skills into our children now, imagine what they can do for our world in the future. Not only will they have built an appreciation for the things around them, but they will also have the skill set to actively create rather than passively consume.
This concept is what created Full Sail Labs. We wanted to rewire the way kids think about content by changing the way they interact with it. Full Sail Labs is a state-of-the-art educational facility designed by Full Sail University as a space to foster learning through exploration, creativity, and collaboration.
Kids ages 7-12, and teens ages 13-17 engage in programs offering unique curricula that combines storytelling, technology, and art through immersive teaching methods and hands-on learning. This type of environment gives kids and teens the opportunity to practice problem solving, teamwork, and time management skills, while completing assignments. We believe all children are creative and deserve the opportunity to thrive with their imaginations.
With programs in Game Design, Filmmaking, Robotics, Minecraft, Music Production and much more, our week-long Summer Camps give students a chance to explore and discover their creative greatness. Camps run June through July in Winter Park and Lake Nona locations. At Full Sail Labs students take their ideas and ignite them into something powerful and life changing, even if just to them.
In a society with little to no patience and instant gratification, we can learn to be patient again and teach our children the same through technology and media academic programs.
Full Sail Labs’ week–long Summer Camps provide students with an engaging environment to use professional equipment and learn what they love in Filmmaking, Music Production, Game Development, and much more! Camps run from June 2017 to July 2017 and are located in Lake Nona and Winter Park, FL for Kids (ages 7-12) and Teens (ages 13-17). Creativity engage your child, RESERVE YOUR SPOT TODAY!
Learn more at https://learn.fullsaillabs.com/SC2017_OMB_FB