In honor of the launch of Orlando Moms Blog’s very own Kristen B.’s app (The Daily Mom), we thought we would share some of our favorite apps for busy families — from news to weather to artwork to everything in between! We’d love to hear about some of your favorite apps in the comments or on Facebook!
1. The Daily Mom: We couldn’t talk apps for families without including one developed by one of our own contributors. However, even if we didn’t have a connection, this would still be one of our top picks! Devised by a mother of four who wanted to stay up to speed without spending all day glued to a screen, The Daily Mom acts like a news concierge, bringing the day’s top headlines, trending blogs, family recipes, lifestyle tips and more into one, easy to use app.
2. Artkive: All those drawings, collages and general kiddo masterpieces finally have somewhere to go. But Artkive doesn’t just keep a picture of the artwork. Instead, once you snap a picture of your little one’s creation (either within the app, or from your camera roll), you can then tag the photo with your child’s name, grade, date, and title. Then share with family and friends or save it within the app until you are ready to turn that artwork into a book — which Artkive does for you, nearly as easily as pushing a button.
3. Total Baby: For new mommas, Total Baby will help you log and time all aspects of your child’s care through a smart and sleek interface that makes tracking easy and fun. While you may only use it for the first month, it’s highly worth the $4.99 price tag, especially for late night feedings, or if you need to track more detailed information like wet/dirty diapers.
4. Cozi or Google Calendar: Both of these systems are designed to integrate multiple calendars into one easy-to-access spot! Easily keep track of everyone’s schedule, share appointments or activities across multiple users, etc.
5. Food on the Table: Input your family’s favorite foods, dietary restrictions and cooking styles and Food on the Table will deliver five dinner meals directly to the app on your preferred day of the week (whatever day you typically grocery shop!). It will even create your grocery list for you based on the recipes!
6. WeatherBug: We all know the running joke about the weather in Central Florida — raining in the front yard and sunny in the back! With WeatherBug you can easily check the weather for a specific area of town, eliminating the worry that it may be pouring in Waterford Lakes when you are driving from Sanford!
Tell us: What are some of your favorite apps to help you stay organized?