
Happy almost New Year to you and yours! I know this time of year is still very frantic for many of us with family obligations, school activities, and parties to attend. However, with the New Year right around the corner there is no better time to get the ball rolling! With some preparation, this upcoming year can bring with it a breath of fresh air, a blank slate for 365 days, and also an updated you. Here are some steps you can take to an updated you:

Work on a mission statement.

A mission statement, the same as when you open a business, helps you focus on the steps needed to take in order to succeed with your goals.  It signifies what you are all about and where you want to be. In order to have a mission statement truly in sync with you, you need to delve into your desires, values and responsibilities. What gets you up in the morning and what keeps you going? For many of us, we can use assistance determining what our dreams are and thus mentors, life coaches and counselors can be very beneficial in helping us pinpoint these goals. A great starting point is to find someone you admire and look at how they developed their path so that you can learn from the steps they have already taken.  To assist you with brainstorming, here are a few famous mission statements.
“To be a teacher. And to be known for inspiring my students to be more than they thought they could be.”- Oprah Winfrey
“To have fun in [my] journey through life and learn from [my] mistakes.” -Sir Richard Branson
“To serve as a leader, live a balanced life, and apply ethical principles to make a significant difference.”- CEO of Campbell Soup Company, Denise Morrison

Determine where you are currently in regards to achieving your mission.

It’s not always easy to admit your weaknesses, but let’s face it, we all have them! The more you own them, the more you will be able to work towards strengthening them and your assets.  This growth will help you move past what is holding you back. For instance, if your goal is to be a healthier version of you, how healthy are you mentally, physically and spiritually? Many of us are so busy attending to others we don’t even bother to check-in on ourselves. If your goal to get a new job that actually means something to you, are you currently at a loss for what that truly is?

Identify what steps you need to take.

Once you have identified your current status, your job is to figure out how to live your mission. Want to be a healthier you? Get a physical and/or connect yourself holistically, join the gym, a club or get a work out buddy to stay accountable. If you feel like you’re not spending enough quality time with the family, sit down and brainstorm ways you can be more active and in the moment with your family.

Work towards your goals.

Life happens and as we all know many of us go into the New Year with high hopes that fall flat quickly. Make it a priority to follow your mission, no matter what obstacles may come in your way. To keep you motivated, many people find it helpful to find literature, poems, and other mementos that remind them of their mission and to help keep them focused. I also suggest scheduling in activities that enable you to follow your mission.

Remember, you want your mission to ring true for you today and not what social media or anyone else says you should be striving for. I wish you the very best for the remainder of this year and wish you luck with following your mission for next year! 


  1. This is great Morgan! I’d want to add that if you fall off the wagon in February, don’t give up. Go ahead and start again. We’re all a work in progress.


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