Vaping Around Your Kids: Is It Safe?

It’s common knowledge that smoking cigarettes in front of your kids is a huge no-no. The dangers of secondhand smoke to children are numerous and can include respiratory problems such as bronchitis and pneumonia, tooth decay, ear infections, and coughs or cold. But now we live in the age of the e-cigarette – an electronic device that is a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes and is proven to help smokers wean themselves off of their nicotine addiction and quit smoking. But is vaping safe for children to be around? In this article, we’ll explore the potential benefits and risks of vaping around your kids, as well as how to protect them from secondhand smoke.

What Exactly is Vaping?

Vaping is a fairly new concept that not everybody understands. How does it differ from traditional smoking when some of the vaping liquids available contain nicotine? Vaping is actually the act of inhaling a vapor while smoking traditional cigarettes involve the act of inhaling smoke. E-cigarettes do not burn any kind of substance to produce smoke. Instead, they contain juices, often flavored such as ZampleBox’s vape juice, that turns into vapor through a small internal heating element. E-cigarettes require no combustion and do not contain any of the harmful toxins that are present in traditional cigarettes. In fact, most of the contents the e-juice is made up of is vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol, both of which are common ingredients utilized in food and medicines approved by the FDA.

Is Vaping Healthier for You than Smoking?

While vaping can pose health risks, it is much healthier for you than smoking traditional cigarettes. Normal cigarettes contain more than 20 different toxins that can be hazardous to your children’s health, while e-juice vapor contains very few and none are thought to be dangerous. However, there are very few studies on the long term effects of vaping because it has not been around for that long.

One thing proves certain – e-cigarettes are much safer than their traditional counterparts. But how safe they actually are is yet to be determined.

Should You Vape Around Your Kids?

Just like all trends and technologies new to the world, there are varying options when it comes to vaping around your kids. Here, we’ll look at the benefits and drawbacks of using e-cigarettes near your children.


For parents that are already smokers, switching to a vape pen or e-cigarette is a healthier option for both you and your children. E-juice contains almost no harmful chemicals and is mostly compromised of items already found in the food your children consume.


Despite vaping being a healthier alternative to traditional smoking, e-liquids can be dangerous to young children. Many e-juices come in tasty flavors, and children may mistake it for candy. E-juices that contain nicotine can be toxic, both for adults and youngsters, and can lead to nicotine poisoning if ingested. If you do vape, keep all of your liquids out of your kid’s reach.

Your actions also play a vital role in how your children will behave when they get older. If they witness you vaping, they may think it is cool and want to do it themselves as teens.

How to Protect Your Kids from Secondhand Smoke

Keeping your kids healthy with proper nutrition and daily exercise is essential. So is keeping them away from secondhand smoke. If you are a smoker, you should consider switching to vaping and e-cigarettes. Here are some other ways to keep your little ones out of harm’s way:

    • When smoking or vaping, go outside and away from your children.
    • Set a quit date and stick to it. You can either quit abruptly or gradually wean yourself off of cigarettes and then quit on your quit day.
    • Get a support network. Join a support group, invest in individual counseling sessions, or seek help from your friends and family. Having a strong support network will help you in times of need.
    • Use a nicotine skin patch or nicotine gum. This method helps to gradually wean your body off of nicotine without being prone to the dangerous chemicals found in cigarettes.
    • Get moving. Go on a family bike ride with your kids or a hike outside. Exercise promotes physical wellness and gives you an opportunity to have some fun with your kids.

While vaping is healthier than smoking cigarettes in front of your children, it’s a habit that is best kept away from them. If you are trying to quit, consider using an e-cigarette to kick the habit, but vape outside.



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