We are so thankful to all of the amazing staff at Waxing the City, Orlando for hosting a fabulous Mom’s Night Out event with us this past weekend!
Upon arriving, our moms were greeted with a sweet bar from Little Boy Blue Bakery, topped with wine, a table full of swag from Waxing the City, and given a one-on-one tour of the facility!
After a tour of the beautiful Waxing the City facility, our mamas were guided into their private waxing rooms to get seriously smooth! Although I would have loved to go for a Brazilian, these legs were in serious need of a wax and my face was desperate for a brow shaping! Alma, my personal cerologist for the evening, has been waxing for 5+ years & she is definitely hairs’ worst nightmare!
Once our moms got their smooth on, they were given a bit a sugar sugar scrub from Waxing the City and treated to a complimentary massage from the incredible Ashley Collins LMT. A massage from Ashley is unlike any you’ll have in your lifetime. She has a wondrous way of knowing all of your troubled areas without asking and can relieve even your most intense stresses with one touch of her soft hands!
To top it all off, one lucky mom ended the night with a free gift set from Aleva Naturals!
We’re so thankful to all of the ladies at Waxing the City Orlando for being so fabulous and making each of our moms feel comfortable in their skin! We can’t wait until our next Waxing the City event!
#seriousaboutsmooth #wtcorlando
This event would not have been possible without our amazing sponsors!
A huge thank you to our sponsors for this event: