What Is A Parenting Management App And How Can It Help Me?

Gen X and Millennial parents are often caught in a whirlwind of responsibilities that include raising children, advancing our careers, and tending to our own personal needs. Maintaining a work-life balance is a constant struggle. It’s not easy, but remember, it is possible by using technology to our advantage, delegating tasks where possible, and most importantly, not hesitating to ask for help when it is needed (if you are like me, you struggle immensely with this!)

Another significant concern for Gen X and Millennial parents is ensuring the right education and learning environment for our children. With the information age at its peak, **SIGH** there are countless resources available to aid our children’s learning. Harness these tools to supplement traditional education methods, but remember that it is our involvement in our child’s education that plays a crucial role in their overall development.

Balancing various activities for our children can be overwhelming too. Between school, sports, arts, and socialization, it may seem like there’s barely time to breathe…every free moment is consumed with taking a kid here, picking up a kid there, birthday parties, school projects..and the list goes on. But take heart! Planning and organization are our best allies in this mom-life/parenting struggle.

So, on our quest to make mom-life easier, we discovered a parent management app that is changing the parenting game. I bet you are thinking, what is a parenting management app and how can it help me?

The parenting management app of the future that is making parenting “simplified” has just hit the market. It’s called Beehive. As the founders  embarked on their journey building this app, they spoke with many other Gen X and Millennial parents just like us. What they realized is that the rise of the digital age has given us access to essentially anything from the palm of our hand and touch of a finger, and it has also given us the ability to interact with each other on a global scale. Yet, when it comes to perhaps the most important and arguably the most challenging job of all- being a parent- there is no dedicated app to help us navigate and manage it all.

How It Works

Helping Us Keep Track

How is my child doing? Well, typically it takes time to track down the answer to this seemingly simple question. Not anymore. With Beehive, parents can easily keep track of and monitor how their kids are doing academically right from the palm of their hand.

No need to wait for the next report card or parent-teacher conference. Watch a short feature demo video here.

Maximize Our Kiddos Potential

We all want what is best for our kids. Sometimes that means helping them when they are struggling, sometimes supporting them when they are on track, and other times encouraging them to push themselves further.

Beehive provides personalized learning lessons tailor-made for your child and their unique needs and interests. Supplementing during the school year? check. Helping them prepare for the next grade level during the summer? check. Watch a short feature demo video here.

Stay Organized

As parents, we spend so much time trying to keep everything organized. From all the school-related events to non-school related events. Who needs to be where and when? Am I going to do this or my spouse? Where did that email go that outlined all the important upcoming dates? With Beehive stop asking these questions and quickly enter events as you become aware of them in a few simple clicks. Each Sunday get a notification preparing you for the upcoming week and helping you stay in sync with your partner. It’s your own personal household assistant. Watch a short feature demo video here.

What are other parents saying?

“The event tracker, I especially enjoyed that because it keeps everything in one place and it’s not 15 different apps that we have to go through. And the layout is especially easy and you don’t have to click 15 different spots to get to one place. It’s easy, laid out, you know where you need to go, what you need to do just by looking at the main page and it walks you through everything for setup, which is even nicer.”

  • Mom of 3 kids (ages 8,7,3) – stay-at-home mom with kids in public school



“The Beehive app as far as keeping track of the grades for the stuff that we do at home, or providing information for other parents, like ‘Hey, we should do a group meeting’ or just being able to say ‘Hey, we worked on this today’ and being able to organize and giving them that information as well as being able to track it for my own children Beehive has made it phenomenally easier because there is not an app that I am aware of that does the same thing as Beehive does as far being able to record grades, keep track of it, and then have the plans for things that we need to work on on top of all the other stuff that it does.”

  • Homeschool mom of 2 kids (ages 8 and 2) – Runs the only secular homeschool group in their area

How You Can Try It!

Download the app and try it free for 30 days with no commitments. Once your free trial is over  use our code, MOMC23, when selecting your in-app subscitpion and receive up to 67% off your 1st year depending on the size of your household!!!

If you LOVE it, drop us a comment below! We’d love to know your feedback!!

Learn more by visiting Beehive!


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