What do you do, when you have two? How do you go shopping and keep your children restrained safely, without one of your children sitting in the back of the cart smashing the loaf of bread or touching the...

Special Delivery!

Happy New Year! We spent most of 2013 waiting for the arrival of our second baby, who arrived just before 8 a.m. on Dec. 23. What a journey it was! This labor was different in several ways from our first....
“I was the first person she saw when she came out.” This is how my husband, with a twinkle in his eye and a child-like grin, recounts the birth of our daughter. And, despite the fact that I endured 41...
As a doula, I have the awesome opportunity of attending A LOT of births. Each one is unique, and every couple who hired me has had their own reason for wanting a doula. Some want a 100 percent completely natural...
As of this Tuesday, we are exactly 3 weeks from our due date and 3 weeks and 1 day from Christmas! Talk about planning, emotions and holiday-time craziness! Our growing family decided months ago to do Christmas a little different...


Unconventional is the word I often use to describe my fertility and pregnancy journey. Having been told on more than one occasion that I would never conceive naturally, I was quite surprised when eight pregnancy tests proclaimed me pregnant...

Mom to Mom: You Need HELP

Being a new mom is hard work. Our little one is three months now and though I have come a long way, I would be lying if I said I had it all figured out. What I have figured...

Nine Weeks and Counting…

Our single week countdown officially began this week. Our sweet baby girl is due in nine weeks, an official due date of December 24 - that's right - Christmas Eve!  Can you think of a better Christmas present?! I...
When my daughter was born, I was completely overwhelmed by all of the handbooks and manuals and manifestos about babies. How to get them on a schedule, how to get them to sleep, how to teach them to self-soothe…...
MacroBaby, located near the Florida Mall, is a one-of-a-kind retail experience for babies and little ones. Founded by a dad, who was dissatisfied with larger baby stores and the lack of knowledge shown by store associates, the Orlando store...
Being a new mom can get expensive and I have realized that you don’t need half the stuff the baby stores get you to register for when you are pregnant. Some things I have laying around the house actually...
by Elisabeth Myrick former OMB Contributor About a year ago, I wrote about my miscarriage experience for Babyourself magazine (now The Moms Magazine). The article focused on how telling my closest friends and family about the pregnancy early on, actually helped...
When I was pregnant with my (now 20-month-old) son, I had grand plans of exclusively cloth diapering. Saving money, helping out the environment, and my baby looking so darn adorable in a t-shirt and diaper -- it seemed like...

Fun Holiday Activities to do with Kids in Orlando

The holidays are filled with so many activities! From school events to family fun, there is plenty to do. BUT if you find yourself...

All Things Thanksgiving

