This month marks my one-year anniversary as an Orlando Moms Blog contributor. It also marks the fifth anniversary of my personal blog. I've known since the fifth grade that I wanted to be a writer, but I never found a way...
When it comes to having a baby, you need a lot of stuff. There's no way around it. Period.
But, what happens when you are getting ready to welcome baby #2 and you already have most of the baby...
Welcome to the second feature in our Orlando Moms Make series! One of the greatest things about our city is that we mamas LOVE to encourage one another! A fantastic way to do so is to support our local...
I have been clinging to women lately. Clinging to women that keep my feet on the ground and my eyes on the cross. My husband is my rock. He braces me up when my legs have failed and helps me...
I'm a random girl with a crazy life and a brain that rarely shuts down. I need things in my life that are not only easy to do, but worth my time and attention (which is rather limited!). Below...
Super EASY and tastes delish! And when you are starving with a demanding toddler and a newborn that needs to nurse, your body will THANK YOU for these No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Lactation Energy Balls!
Ingredients: I get most all my ingredients from Costco,...
As far as I know, I don't know anyone who has joined the Witness Protection Program. I read an article that likened participation in the program to falling off the face of the Earth, noting that the most important rule is...
Recently a friend who learned that I started writing for OMB asked me, "How on earth do you have time to write with your busy body around?!" And I usually either laugh it off or answer with "you do...
If I could turn back time, I’d hit stop the day they were born. Then I’d hit stop the day they smiled for the first time, when they started rolling over and probably when they started talking, too. I...
Miracles happen every day when we least expect them. And this summer has been no exception.
Out on the soccer field, my boy kicked around the ball with his friends, as they all tried to follow the coach's directions.
While making...
When I grocery shop without a list, two things usually happen - I make too many impulse purchases and I come home without the things that I actually went to the grocery to buy. There's an art to making a grocery list. I've tried different...
Are you expecting a summer baby? Getting outside for a workout is probably NOT on your to-do list. Believe me, I feel you! Since Baby #2 is just a few weeks away...I've put together a few of my favorite fitness moves to stay toned,...
{editors note: Morgan is our advice column guru. She is a stay at home mom AND a marriage and family therapist. In her professional work, she works with moms and the challenges they face. Many of her columns will come from an...
Do you sometimes wonder if you'll be able to splurge on a vacation or road trip this year. If it seems like you won't have the funds, these tips on how to save money quick for a Summer road trip...
Last night I ordered three books that I plan to read on our beach vacation. I asked several friends for book recommendations, added about ten books to my Amazon cart, then whittled my choices down to three. I am giddy at the...