Our one stop spot to see all things Valentine’s Day! From popular blog posts, recipes, crafts, and gift ideas, our Valentine’s Day Collection makes it simple to find everything you need for Valentine’s Day!
what you can find in the guide:
Orlando Mom Guide to Berry Picking
Berry picking is a family favorite around here, and for good reason! We get to spend time outside in the beautiful Orlando weather and see where some of our favorite berries come from!
From the Heart
Daddy’s Valentines – The Father Daughter Dance
Our school holds the Father Daughter dance near Valentine’s Day each year. This year I was asked to help out at the dance. I’m so glad I did, because it gave me an even greater appreciation of the event. Here are a few suggestions to make the Father Daughter dance even more memorable.
I LOVE holidays…except Valentine’s Day
I love holidays. I love everything about them. All of them except one. I’m not crazy about Valentine’s Day. Do you know what’s even worse than me not really liking Valentine’s Day? My husband LOVES it. What man do you know that loves Valentine’s Day? I mean, SERIOUSLY.
Will the Real Valentine’s Day Please Rise?
Valentine’s Day. I have a love-hate relationship with the day. I know I’m not the only one. It began in middle and high school when I would watch girls parade through the halls with their flowers and teddy bears and chocolate and balloons. I was a senior before I had a real valentine.
When His Love Language is Words of Affirmation
You’ve heard of the five love languages, right? My hubby’s love language happens to be words of affirmation. Ugh. So one day I came across these notes that were brilliant. They did all of the hard work for me (you know… coming up with the words that speak his language!)
Valentine’s Day Crafts, Recipes & Treats
When I became a mom, all of a sudden I felt like I had to become a “Pinterest Mom”. I love crafting, cooking, and baking so I thought I’d be fantastic at it. Well…not so much. Every time I get an idea, I start pinning like crazy. Here are some of my favorite Valentine’s Day themed crafts, treats, & recipes.
Candy Free Valentines
Home Decor
Date Night Ideas
Date Nights at Disney
Date nights at Disney are the perfect way to put some magic into a typical night out with your other half. It’s one of my favorite places to go hang out one-on-one with my husband and reconnect. It’s on Disney date nights where we fell in love with each other, got engaged and where we continue to enjoy time with just the two of us.
After nearly a decade of date nights at Disney, here’s a list of my favorite places to go.
Date Nights at Home
Some years my husband and I celebrate by getting out of the house, while other years we have stayed home.
How about you? Is this the year you and your special someone stay home? Maybe you won’t have a babysitter, so it’s also time spent with the kiddos. Maybe you even wait till after the kiddos go to bed to get quality time with your special someone. Maybe you’re looking to save money or it could be that you just want to stay home.
Quirky February Holidays for Kids
Now you are probably saying, “But February already has a holiday? What about Valentine’s Day? Huh?” I know, I know, but you can only glue glittery hearts to construction paper so many times. That is why February also has Thank Your Mailman Day on the 5th and Make a Friend Day on the 11th.