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Set YOUR Goals!

So, every year we see the “goal setting” commercials on TV. We think about setting a few new goals … shoot, we even jot a couple down in our mommy TO-DO List notebook … but do we remember where that is 2 months from now?! Heck No! We are using a new notebook! Ha. Sound familiar?!

My husband and I now write our family and personal goals down every year and review every couple of months. They hang in our family office, so they are hard to miss when we are in and out of our office daily. We are constantly reminded of our blessings and what we desire for our future together.

Here’s how you can create your own personal goals:

First, write a vision.

Imagine your life 10 years from now and what does it look like? Where do you live? How many kids do you have? Are you working or not? If so, what is your position? What does your day-to-day look like? Are you in the dream home? What does that home look like? This helps to create a picture of what you need to be working for each year towards that beautiful future.

If this is tough for you to do, create a vision board.

Simply grab a poster size board, glue stick, a few of your favorite magazines and maybe a few fun items like stickers, fun tape and markers from your local craft store. Cut out images, pictures and quotes that inspire, encourage, motivate and embodies your future design. After you have done this, its time to write the goals!

S.M.A.R.T goals.

Have you ever heard of S.M.A.R.T goals? Do you know what the SMART stands for? It is important to know when writing your goals, so you have a clear direction.


Who, what, where, when, why and which. Define that goal as much as possible, with no ambiguous language. Who is involved? What do I want to accomplish? Where will it be done? Why am I doing this (reasons & purpose)? Which constraints and/or requirements do I have?


Can you track the progress and measure the outcome? How much, how many, how will I know when I accomplished my goal?


Is the goal reasonable enough to be accomplished? How so? Make sure the goal is not out to reach or below standard performance.

Relevant, Realistic:

Is your goal worthwhile and will it meet your needs? Is each goal consistent with other goals you have established and fits with your immediate and long term plans?


Your objective should include a time limit. “I will complete this step by month/day/year.” It will establish a sense of urgency and prompt you to have better time management.

Its always great to have a B.H.A.G in there too, Big Hairy Audacious Goal, something that really may seem unrealistic at the time, but heck you NEVER KNOW!

Big Hairy Audacious Goal




    • Christina, its not about always accomplishing them all, its about getting them down on paper. Think of 80/20 RULE, you are only going to accomplish about 20% of what is actually there, but that is where it is important to review every few months, not just at the beginning of the year, maybe you need to redirect or change that goal because the focus is in another direction. 🙂


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