If you are staying around Central Florida for spring break, here are nine great outdoor adventures to get the kids out of the house! From peaceful trails and gardens to beautiful water experiences and hang gliding fun, Central Florida offers...
If you live in Florida then you know that between the heat, visitors, and crying children, theme park adventures can easily go awry. If you are a regular theme park goer, or plan to visit multiple times throughout the...
Have you ever noticed that the days when your kids are B-O-R-E-D are the days when you just can't? It's like they can sense when you are exhausted (or hungover, I won't judge!) to decide to climb on you demanding...
Sure, 50 million people visit Orlando each year -- and yes, most of them come for the tourist attractions -- but there's so much more to The City Beautiful than I-Drive and The Magic Kingdom. Sticking close to home...
It's March and in my household that means one thing... baseball is back. We are avid sports fans and my husband especially loves baseball, so it works out well that we live in the mecca of spring training baseball...
I've said it before, and I'll say it again - we are so lucky to live in Central Florida. We live where the rest of the country (heck the world) literally dreams of coming on vacation. Most people I know...
Easter is just around the corner and here at Orlando Moms Blog we celebrated  this past Saturday morning with a few hundred of our closest friends, thousands of plastic eggs, and a whole lot of fun at our Second...
Spring break is just around the corner, and before you know it, summer will be knocking at our door. Roadtrips, warm beaches, and ice cold lemonade cocktails are calling. The question is, will your family answer the call? Traveling with...
Aside from Disney World  and the rest of the theme parks in our backyard, there are tons of hidden gems around Florida where you can spend spring break with the family. For me personally, a resort that offers kids' camp...

Growing Up Via Spring Break

So we had what one might describe as our most interesting spring break this year. My thirteen-year-old EIGHTH GRADER went on a week-long trip to New York City with only her schoolmates and some teacher and administrator chaperones. No...
Many of us dream of visiting Europe and immersing ourselves into the culture. Starting this week (March 28 - April 6), that dream can be realized right here in Central Florida with CIRQUE ITALIA -- a traditional European event enjoyed in every village, town and city across the “old world.”
In my opinion, there’s no better place to spend spring break with friends and family than on the beach! In fact, I’ll be dipping my babe's tiny toes in our favorite slice of the Atlantic on New Smyrna Beach...
The Spring Break season is upon us! For Seminole County, it begins today, and for the rest of Central Florida it begins next week. If you're anything like me, you are wondering, "What the heck do I do to...

Date Night Guide to Orlando

Need some date night inspiration? Look no further! Here are the best ideas for a date night in Orlando, aka The City Beautiful!

