As your children begin the new school year here in the Sunshine State, there are more options than ever for how and where they...
As a parent, you're likely beginning to realize that technology will be a part of your kids’ life. The good news is that this...
It's summer and summer means; V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N! When on vacation with children, ensuring adequate sleep can be challenging. Vacation can disrupt sleep, unless you plan...
Excerpted from Everything We Should Have Taught You in High School, But Never Did by Dr. Richard Gary Shear. Copyright © 2023 Richard Shear....
Screens are a part of everyday life in the digital age, but do we know of the effects of screen time for kids? As...
As a mom of girls, the one thing I could expect would be the ritual fitting when the time comes for a proper bra...
I am the parent to three girls, ages 24, 20, and 15. Ever since I started to work for AIHA, the association for occupational...
Driving at night makes the roads feel very different. Many distractions, such as other headlights, lit-up signs and billboards, and numerous dark spots, make...
Many teenagers buy and sell illegal drugs through social media apps. During these drug deals, they often use emojis to represent drug names and other details....
When parents choose to have a child, they have agreed to have an adolescent. Thus, I believe it really helps when they have some preparation for normal developmental...
Rainbow fentanyl, a new version of the potent opioid, has made its way to over 18 states in the U.S. Similar to candy, it’s...
The better we as parents can understand the key online safety risks facing our kids, the more we can help avoid and handle them.
Our kids go through a lot of changes during their teenage years. This can make it difficult to tell if they’ve begun using alcohol...
With school back in session soon, kids will be spending more of their time completing schoolwork online, making it an important time to talk...
One of the most serious things plaguing our children today is the internet; specifically social media. How many parents know that seemingly innocent programs...