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Guide to All Things Fall in Central Florida
Hello fall!!

included in this guide:
‣ Ultimate Fall Bucket Lists
‣ Pumpkin Patches, Farms and Mazes
‣ FREE Printables
‣ Family Costume Ideas
‣ Fall Festivals in and around Orlando
‣ Arts & Crafts
‣ Halloween for the Allergy Parent
‣ Easy Decor Ideas
‣ Kids Health
‣ The Teal Pumpkin Project
‣ Non Candy Ideas
‣ Theme Park Events
‣ Recipes
‣ Halloween and Trick ‘o Treating Events in and around Orlando
‣ Kids Crafts, and more!
hey mama,
Orlando Mom Collective is thrilled to bring you our Ultimate Guide to All things Fall in Central Florida presented by Heart of Florida United Way. The goal of this guide is to be a one-stop resource for local moms who are ready for all the fun and chaos the fall season brings! This guide offers tons of resources for fall and spooky season in the Central Florida area.
Fall is always filled with lots of joy, {and pumpkin spice lattes} but it can also be overwhelming and stressful, especially when there are so many events to choose from!
It is our hope that this guide helps provide moms in Central Florida with lots of information, access to resources and assurance that you aren’t going to miss out on any amazing fall events! To our readers, we sincerely hope you will find this guide to be helpful during these next few months. Whether you are a new mom or veteran mom, we want you to know that you have a community with Orlando Mom.
Disclosure: This is a sponsored guide, presented by our valued local partners. While we love sharing these resources with our readers, we have not personally vetted each individual business or event represented here and encourage our readers to do their own research to find the best fit for their family.
GUIDE SPONSOR: Heart of Florida United Way
Heart of Florida United Way (HFUW) stands up for the education, financial stability, health and basic needs of every person in Central Florida. For 85 years, HFUW has delivered programs, invested dollars, and convened community members around important issues impacting Orange, Seminole and Osceola counties. As Central Florida’s most comprehensive health and human services nonprofit, HFUW created a $50 million impact in Central Florida last year. In 2022-23, HFUW served more than 755,000 people through its direct service and funded programs — that is one in every three Central Floridians. HFUW is home to notable community resources like the 211 Information & Referral Crisis Line; 988 Suicide Prevention Lifeline; Mission United program for Veterans; TECHquity www.HFUW.org for more information, or call (407) 835-0900. Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn at Heart of Florida United Way and on Twitter and Instagram @hfuw.
Hello Fall
Just the thought of it coming soon makes me happy. I am so excited to get out the decorations… I am already driving my husband crazy–more than the norm, by asking him daily to get the stuff out of the attic. I have decided that I am going to decorate on September 1st.. that way I can stretch the season out a little longer. September 1st to the day after Thanksgiving (which is BY FAR the best day of the entire year!) That gives me almost 3 full months to enjoy the yummy smells and all of the harvest decor.
I also love this time of year because people in general are nicer, they seem to care more. There is more giving and volunteering going on. It is just a nice, cozy, warm and fuzzy feeling that I wished lasted all year.
Fall Bucket List
In sunny Florida it is still a blistering 90+ degrees out there, but the calendar says fall is coming and according to Starbucks + Dunkin Donuts, it was fall on August 24th {#PSL!} So, regardless of the Florida heat, are you ready to dive into all things Fall?!?
To help all of us mamas get in the mood for some fun for what lies ahead of us over these next few months, we have put together a “Florida friendly” Fall Bucket List. Most of these things we can do, even if we are still enjoying warm weather and shorts & flip flops!
Spooky Season Streaming Lineup

If you ask me, this scorching weather is all a bunch of hocus pocus! The kids are back in school. Starbucks is selling its pumpkin spice latte. As far as this Florida girl is concerned, spooky season should already be here!
Did I say Hocus Pocus? Yes, this year’s streaming TV lineup is everything we 80s and 90s babies could dream of! Grab your bright orange plastic pumpkins and put on your homemade costumes (thanks, mom!), we are diving into all things fall TV, spooky season style!
Books to Get You Into Spooky Season

I love spooky season. My youngest was born on Halloween and the joy that holiday now brings our family is all encompassing. Since moving to Florida last year, I have been relying on books to help me get into the seasonal mood.
Weather changes I experienced in Michigan don’t happen here in Florida, so I’ve escaped into reading. I need a good amount of thrillers/mystery books to get into spooky season.
Spooky Season Streaming Printables

Pumpkin Patches, Farms and Mazes
There is no shortage of Pumpkin Patches in Orlando this year! Our Guide to Pumpkin Patches in Central Florida should keep your weekends packed! Are we missing your favorite pumpkin patch? Let us know in the comments below!
Please be sure to check with each venue, as times and dates may change.
Fall Festivals
There are plenty of fun Fall festivals in Central Florida that the entire family can enjoy this year! Are we missing your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!
Please be sure to check with each venue, as times and dates may change.
Oktoberfest Events
if you want an easy way to enjoy delicious brats, sauerkraut and beer with the bonus of good music and a family friendly event, check out these local Oktoberfest festivities in your area.
Fall Running Events
If you love 5ks, 10ks and family fun runs, check out this list of Central Florida runs!
Please be sure to check with each venue, as times and dates may change.
Family Time Fall Activities

Fall weather is creeping in (very slowly) and the blazing heat is finally starting to go away. While this season is notorious for pumpkins, festivals and lots of themed events, sometimes we just needs simple ways to get the kids outside for some family time! So here we go, mamas! In an effort to keep the kiddos engaged and you smiling, OMC has put together a list of five outdoor fall activities that kids are sure to enjoy too!
Doing Fall in Florida
As Northern states enjoy the vibrant colors of leaves changing, the excitement of apple picking, and those cozy warm sweaters, here in Florida we experience Fall in a different way.
The kiss of cooler air and lower humidity call us out of our summertime hibernation to enjoy outdoor activities.
With the hot sticky summer moving out, the more desirable temperature call us outside. We set up park play dates, take nature hikes, enjoy an afternoon picnic, hit the less crowded beaches, and even consider camping (or even glamping!).
Our Florida Fall memories are a weave of the flavors of the season with a twist – outdoor experiences and adventures, and creating crafts with nature’s treasures that are collected along the way.
This is fall in Florida!
Why This Season Stills My Soul
Crimson leaves float to the ground. Cinnamon candles scent our home. Harvest pumpkins fill patches and churchyards. Burnt orange scarves pair with flip-flops. Football hums on the TV in the background
It’s Florida. It’s fall. It’s my favorite time of year.
I’ve tried to understand why this season elicits such warmth in my soul. Because autumn’s really just nature’s call to dormancy. It announces the end is coming. It’s a shutting down, a quieting. It’s a reminder of winter’s song—peace be still.
And in the chaos of life, it’s what I need. Fall tells me to float softly down with dazzling colors from the high branches. It gently reminds me to let loose what holds me tight to scary heights and come back to the gentle earth. Fall sighs slow.
But also? This brilliant season with its deep hues calls me back to my deep roots. It whispers the important thing. It murmurs on the tight breezes what matters most.
Top 10 Things to do in September!

explore a farmer’s market
create fall themed crafts with the kids
decorate the house for fall
have a picnic in the park
make a Mickey wreath
go to a drive in movie
create art with leaves
kick off fall with a local event
enjoy a pumpkin spice latte (or your fave fall drink!)
celebrate fall’s arrival at a family friendly restaurant
Health & Wellness this Season
5 Tips to Keep Your Kids Healthy This Fall

A child’s healthy development relies on the freedom to play, learn, and grow all year round. A parent shouldn’t shy away from letting their kids simply be carefree and snotty-nosed youngsters. However, it is important you keep up good practices to prevent them from catching viruses as much as possible. Plus you don’t want them bringing a bug back home to the entire family.
Let’s take a look at 5 simple ways you can help your kids stay fit, healthy, and happy this fall.
Helping Your Child Through The Time Change

Yup, as parents we dread the time change. Right when we seem to figure out our kid’s sleep schedule, it all gets turned upside down! Who wouldn’t dread this?! Fall is tough because while we “get another hour of sleep,” our kids who usually sleep till 7am are waking at 6am on that day. If you have an early riser, the time that they wake on that day can be almost unmentionable. Yikes! Their internal biological sleepy clock doesn’t know that our iPhones automatically changed at 2am.
So, I am passing along some tips to help you and your child get through Daylight Savings Time. I have provided options for each type of sleeper:
Tips To Save Money This Halloween

At first glance, Halloween may seem like a low cost holiday. But, if you’re a parent, you know that is not the case. And if you have multiple children, the cost can add up fast. From fall baking and candy, to costumes and decorations. Below are a few tips to help you spend less this Halloween.
Fall Candy Galore
For many kids, the fall season is filled with hopes and dreams of collecting as many sweet treats as possible in the form of candies, chocolate bars, sugary popcorn, caramel apples and more. It’s the perfect storm for forming unhealthy habits that may have long-lasting effects on our kids’ well-being, such as childhood obesity, diabetes and poor dental health.
Non-Candy Halloween Treat Ideas
Last year my family moved into a brand new community in Winter Garden. Even though the neighborhood was still largely under construction, my kids still came home with more candy than they could eat in a year, much less in a single fall season. We literally had to go trick-or-treating in rounds, dumping off the goodies we got from the first block before heading out to get more from the second. This year is sure to be even crazier!
Teal Pumpkin Project

Have you ever heard of the Teal Pumpkin Project? I first heard about it 8 years ago when one of my mom friends from our playgroup shared that her son had severe food allergies. I remember this sweet mom explaining how Halloween was a hard night for their young family. Their little boy wanted to trick-or-treat like everyone else, but was too young to understand his allergies and why he couldn’t have treats.
Halloween for the Allergy Parent

Honestly, I avoided Halloween for the kids as long as I could. Then came the day when I just couldn’t avoid it any longer. So, we went out, not putting too much thought into it, but then came home with with all sorts of treats that they could not eat, and yet were not fully aware of why they could not eat it.
Sugar Coma??? Tips on Handling Excess Holiday Candy
I don’t know about you, but my house has officially been bombarded with Halloween candy. Between school parties and trick-or-treating, my 3 year old collected over 150 pieces of candy. If your house is anything like mine you are probably thinking…so now what?
Here are my 5 tips on what to do with all of that leftover not so good for you goodness.
The Teal Pumpkin Project
Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) started the Teal Pumpkin Project in 2014 to raise awareness of food allergies. Food allergies continue to be a growing public health issue and 1 in 13 children in the United States has a food allergy. This can make Halloween especially stressful for families as many popular candies contain nuts, milk, egg, soy, or wheat, all of which are common allergens. Not to mention, many of the miniature size candy bars don’t list ingredients on their labels which makes it even harder to determine if they are safe.

Halloween Candy Buy Back
I had heard of dentists and orthodontists buying back candy, so I Googled it. I found this website. Dentists buy back Halloween candy and send the candy to Operation Gratitude or other Military support groups who send the candy to the U.S. Military. There is a search feature on the website where you can enter your zip code and find participating dentists or orthodontists in your area. The site recommends calling ahead to the office to make sure that they are participating before you lug your bag of candy there.

Upcycle Halloween Candy
We’ll keep things short and sweet (see what happened there?) today, since many of you are still trying to figure out what your little ones are dressing up as this week. Don’t feel alone if you are still sewing or even gluing costumes together. Halloween always seems to sneak up every year.Since your kiddos will be coming home with several pounds of candy this week, we’ve rounded up a few ways to utilize some of their loot, including a few recipes, so everyone can enjoy the bounty. Plus, you won’t feel so guilty snagging a few pieces for yourself. Enjoy!

Halloween Printables
The fall season is definitely one of our favorite times of year! We love all things fall especially Halloween! From boo-ing neighbors to sharing special treats with friends, to festivals and trick or treating, we just enjoy this time of year so much! So much so that we put together some of our favorite Halloween printables created by Orlando Mom Collective owner, Eryn!

Theme Park Events
Get ready for some Halloween fun at the Theme Parks!
From trick or treating, to scary haunted houses, you can experience all the fun of Halloween at the Theme Parks! Events range from safe for the littles to thrilling for the bigs! Have a blast!!
Please be sure to check with each venue, as times and dates may change.

Family Halloween Costumes
Halloween made easy with Goodwill
Halloween Costumes DIY
Halloween “Uncostumes”
Halloween and Trick 'o Treating Events
Get ready for Halloween sweets and treats with our list of special Halloween events and trick or treating in and around Orlando! There are kid-friendly events that include trick or treating around town AND extra scary events for the older kids too.
Please be sure to check with each venue, as times and dates may change.
Halloween Tricks And Treats

Halloween is such a fun time of year. Dressing up, sharing goodies and playing little tricks are great holiday traditions. Here are a few of my favorite tricks and treats!
The Popular House on Halloween

Now that the trick-or-treat season is upon us, I must confess. I can’t wait for the snack-size Snickers and Tootsie Rolls. I mean, I know you can get them year round in the candy aisle at the grocery store, but there’s something about having this one-time pass to splurge a little with the chocolate goodness!
Are You Ready for Some Football?
8 Ways to Infuse Football Fun into Your Family

It’s time. Our countdown over the summer has been dwindling away. September is my energizing month — because college football season kicks off this week!! It doesn’t matter if your entire family is loyal to one team, or if you’re a house divided, it’s always fun to get in the fall football spirit with your family.
A Football House Divided

I’m a passionate fan who bleeds garnet and gold, screams my heart out at every play and truly feels the thrill of each win and the agony of each defeat. Yes, it is just football, but to this girl and many others, it is life.
As fate would have it, I married one of those “Rowdy Reptiles,” a Florida Gator. If you live in Florida and you follow college football, you know all too well that for approximately six months of the year, we are truly a house divided. My husband, while less rowdy than most Gators, is no less passionate than his counterparts.
Our Fave Fall Recipes!

There’s something about fall weather that makes me want to open up my cookbook to my favorite Pumpkin Roll recipe! We’ve compiled all of our favorite fall-time recipes! Enjoy!
5 Pumpkin Recipes We Love!

It’s PSL season and that means all the pumpkin food and drinks we can stand!!!
Check out these 5 Pumpkin Recipes We Love!
Healthy Fall Recipes!

We love to cook during fall! The cooler weather, the yummy flavors and fresh produce…all perfect for fall cooking and baking fall recipes!
Check out these 4 recipes we love!
Top 10 Things to do in October!

make a new friend at our women in business networking event
watch Halloween movies
enjoy a Hocus Pocus marathon with the kids
decorate Fall Cookies
make a Pumpkin Roll
go on a Hayride
trick or treat
get lost in a Corn Maze
go to a Fall Festival
visit a Pumpkin Patch
More Fall Recipes!

Here in Florida we never know if Fall weather will stay, or if we will return to the dreadful heat and humidity. If we Floridians waited until there was a real crisp in the air to indulge in all things pumpkin, squash, or fall-themed, well, we could be waiting until January! In honor of the season, we’ve rounded up a few tasty fall recipes: Cranberry Apple Crisp, Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Agave Nectar, Pumpkin Carrot Muffins, Pumpkin White Wine Risotto.

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How to Host the Perfect Fall BBQ Get-Together
Fall is finally here! With the season’s crisp air and cool weather, it’s a season perfect for hosting barbecues. Whether the occasion is a birthday, a sports-themed party, or simply enjoying great food and quality time with the family, there’s always a reason to get together for a great barbecue. Here are some helpful tips on how to host the perfect fall barbecue get-together.
Make Sure Your Space Is Ready to Accommodate a Larger Crowd
With the change of the seasons, you can turn your backyard from a summer paradise to an autumnal getaway. Upgrade your outdoor space by adding a BBQ grill island so that you have plenty of space to prepare your favorite dishes. You should also consider revamping your patio space with outdoor heaters and comfortable seating to keep your guests warm and cozy through the night. Additionally, consider enhancing your backyard with fun accessories like engraved plaques that add a unique, intimate touch to your surroundings.
With your outdoor space designed for warmth and comfort, hosting the perfect barbecue will be a breeze.
Stock Up on All the Necessities for Your Fall Celebration
No matter what the occasion is, it’s important to stock up on all the supplies you’ll need. For example, if you’re planning a fall barbecue for a special someone’s birthday, party supplies like plastic cups, disposable utensils, tablecloths, and themed balloons are a must.
For food and drink, having plenty of simple dishes like chips and dip or vegetable trays will hold your guests over until the main dishes are ready. Make sure to stock up on water, soda, and juice for the kids and light alcoholic beverages like bottled wine and beer for the adults.
Prep What’s Cookin’
The fall is the best time of year to scarf down all your favorite comfort foods. When creating a menu, think of items like creamy barbecued mac and cheese, brisket grilled cheeses, loaded potatoes, and delicious smoked ham.
For your vegan or vegetarian guests, you can’t go wrong with grilled and skewered veggies. Of course, you don’t have to stop there! You should also plan for some delectable fall desserts such as homemade pumpkin roll. Scrumptious fall comfort foods are guaranteed to bring the whole family together for a great time.
You Can Make Your Fall Barbecue Celebration One to Remember
Hosting the perfect barbecue celebration involves a little planning and a lot of love. With your care, it can be an unforgettable time with family and friends.

Mom Friends
Fall Decor & Crafts

DIY Fall Decor Tutorial
As much as I love Summer I love a good DIY even more! And the changing of the seasons gives me a great excuse to create. Seriously, if you walked into my home you would see that 90% of the decor pieces were either hacked, tweaked or made by myself. I wanted to share with you 2 easy and inexpensive Fall decor DIYs. All of the materials cost between $1-$3 each and can be created with tools you already have on hand.
DIY Mickey Halloween Wreath
If you frequent Michael’s Craft Stores, you know they have some great 40% off (non sale items) coupons each week. So using that coupon, I paid $4.99 (total) for the wreaths I used to make the face and ears. I then went to the Dollar Store and bought a few Halloween decorations, small glitter ball vase fillers, pumpkins, a Halloween hat, some bat clips, and a bow. The great thing about this is you can decorate the wreath in such a way that it can be left up on your door through Thanksgiving. Just opt for some fall themed decor or glue the Halloween accessories.
Fun Fall Crafts For Kids
Fall is such a wonderful time for the kiddos. I love pumpkin patches, fall festivals and the holidays we celebrate during this time. Something else we love to do during new seasons and holidays is to work on crafts. What I love about crafting with kids is that is causes them to practice those motor skills and use their imagination. Below are some fun fall craft ideas for kids!
Magical Leaves From Melted Crayons
As soon as I flipped the calendar to November, I got that warm feeling: it is really fall! Yes, it has been fall for a while now, but here in Orlando it doesn’t quite feel like fall when you are sweating while setting out your pumpkin decor. When the weather drops a few degrees is when I really feel like cranking up all the seasonal fun. Of course that includes some baking, pumpkin pureeing, and fall kids crafts so we can all share in the excitement together.
Easy Ways to Decorate for Fall
(Even If The AC Is Still On)
Let’s face it, Fall in Florida is still, unfortunately HOT. We are dependent on the calendar to tell when each season begins and ends. The pumpkin spice latte and aisles in Hobby Lobby try to convince us Floridians that fall is near, but the sweat rolling down my back tells me otherwise. Even if I have to set out my pumpkins with the A/C on, I like to celebrate fall in our home with some simple decorations. I don’t like to store too much stuff, so I try to use things we already have around or can easily recycle after fall is over. Here are some easy ways to decorate for fall, even if the AC is still on!
1. Change Out Your Pillows
An easy way to announce that fall is here is by switching out your pillows. Cozier fabrics and fall-themed colors or sayings will immediately make your house seem more festive. I just love the buffalo check trend right now, and I can easily see these transitioning into Christmas.
2. Do Something With All Those Sticks Your Toddler Brings Inside
It’s not just my toddler, right? We always have sticks she has deemed interesting enough to hang onto in our house. I can’t blame her; sticks and small branches can be beautiful and full of character. Display those sticks in a lovely way this season.
3. Add a Wreath
Since we don’t get the yellow, orange, and red fall leaves that usually adorn the classic fall wreaths, some beautiful eucalyptus still keeps the fall vibe while staying true to our still-green natural color palette. Picking an asymmetrical shape adds another modern touch.
4. Little Pumpkins Everywhere
Cute pumpkins arranged in vignettes around the house shouts “FALL IS HERE EVERYONE” about as loudly as possible. You can choose modern white pumpkins, classic orange, or let your kids decorate them with paint, glue and paper, or even wax drippings.
5. Change Out Your Artwork
Perhaps the easiest of all, changing out your framed artwork can make a surprising difference in the feeling of your home. This is one of my favorite ways to decorate because it takes up exactly zero extra space and is easy to store or recycle once the season is over. Here are some free printables to make your walls look more fall.
We would love to see how you decorate your house for fall! Tag us on Instagram @OrlandoMomCollective so we can see how you do fall in Florida!
Top 10 Things to do in November!

make a Thanksgiving craft
Give Thanks
send notes to nursing homes
make gratitude rocks + leave in the neighborhood
donate to a Food Bank
have a s’mores party
make apple cider
make chili
bake pumpkin bread
tailgate at a Football Game
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If you’re new to Orlando, new to being a mom in Orlando, or just new to Orlando Mom Collective, our communities are a great way to meet moms and make new mom friends in the same stage of motherhood.
We Are Orlando Mom
Orlando Mom Collective is a locally-focused parenting resource for moms and families.
It’s been eleven years since we began connecting moms in the Central Florida Area. We are the local resource for moms and parents in and around Central Florida. Orlando Mom is made up of more than 10 women driving community to encourage, empower, and inspire local moms.
Passionate about parenting and our community, Orlando Mom Collective strives to connect area moms to relevant resources, local businesses, can’t-miss happenings, and most of all — each other!